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Questions? Text us 239-203-3801

ATTN: Fashion Bloggers & Influencers. Let's Collab!

♥ Hey girl, we're so excited to work with you! ♥

We know that receiving reviews of our products and getting the Simply Me name out there is essential. That's why we're always looking to work with influencers, like yourself, to review and share our products. We are currently working with a limited number of influencers per month and would love to add your name to the list. 



Terms & Conditions

• You must have at least 5000+ engaged followers on your blog, and/or social media accounts.

• We will send you a curated box of goodies to film a try on session in IG stories, and atleast one post on your profile.

• Due to limited stock, we request that your try on be posted within 5 days of receiving the goods. After all, don't you want your followers to have an opportunity to get the look while it’s still in stock?

• Try on sessions must include a mention (@shopsimplyme) on each slide so we have an easy way to share your profile to our followers as well. 

• You may keep one item for free as a thank you. If you’d like to keep anything else from your first box you may do so at a 50% off discount and send the remaining items back to us with the label provided.

• We will provide you with a discount code to offer to your followers. 

• By accepting a box for our influencer collab program, you hereby permit Simply Me to share your stories and/or photos on our website or social media accounts. If you have any concerns with this please advise us in advance.

• We are always open to re-negotiating the terms of our agreement based on performance.

Still interested? Text us at (239) 203-3801. Please provide a list of the following:

• Your IG handle, and Facebook if applicable. 

• A little bit about you.

• Contact and mailing information.

• And anything else you’d like us to know.

We are sincerely excited about the possibility of working together and look forward to the collaboration!

The Simply Me Boutique Team

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